Disclosing Architecture

Disclosing Architecture is the Nieuwe Instituut’s six-year initiative to increase the visibility and continued accessibility of the National Collection for Dutch Architecture and Urban Planning, made possible by a one-off investment from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

18 Stories of Heritage and Innovation

Results, experiences and insights after six years of Disclosing Architecture.

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Try out the new Collection Platform

The new Collection Platform allows you to explore the National Collection in an intuitive and associative way through stories, objects and relationships.


Disclosing Architecture is more than a restoration project. Primarily, the programme aims to preserve the National Collection that Het Nieuwe Instituut manages, which involves the conservation or restoration of hundreds of thousands of design drawings, more than 300,000 photographic prints and the entire Van Doesburg collection. In additional to this however, Disclosing Architecture also aims to make the architecture archives more accessible, to the widest possible audience, now and in the future.

Linked open data, digitisation, machine learning and data visualisation offer unprecedented opportunities for online publication that connects collections and opens them up to new users. Innovating heritage through technology, but also by looking at it from new perspectives. Because heritage is only future-proof when we realise that a collection is not a neutral representation of history, but a construction that has arisen through time and policy. The value and meaning of a collection are constantly changing. Disclosing Architecture therefore also includes research projects that critically question the National Collection and generate new ideas for the (re)valuation of historical sources.

Various sub-projects have been defined within three programme lines: Sustainable, Usable and Visible. Together, they give substance to the overarching objectives of the programme: preserving Dutch heritage in the field of architecture and urban planning and making it available digitally, increasing the physical accessibility of the collection, and making the digitised collection more widely accessible.

Preserving the collection

We preserve and, where necessary, restore hundreds of thousands of design drawings, upwards of 300,000 photo prints and the entire Van Doesburg collection.

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Digital accessibility

We are digitising the collection and building online platforms to increase the accessibility of the National Collection and protect the original pieces from decay.

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Research and reflection

Our research projects form the basis for the sub-projects and selection methods that form part of Disclosing Architecture, while also contributing to rethinking the role of heritage at the Nieuwe Instituut.

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